Adding Helper Methods in Rails API Applications

I am currently working with Ruby version 2.3.0 and Rails version 5.0.0beta3 for my API project, which I set up using the command rails new app --api. During the initial phase of development, I noticed that helper classes are absent in API applications. For instance, I need a method to help with authentication in my session controller. Is there a manual way to reintroduce helper methods into my API application?

To add helper methods in Rails API applications, especially for a need like authentication, you can keep it efficient by creating a module and including it where necessary. Here’s a simple way to do it:

  1. Create a new module for your helpers:
  2. module AuthHelper
      def authenticate_user
        # Add your authentication logic here
  3. Include this module in your controller:
  4. class SessionsController < ApplicationController
      include AuthHelper

    def create
    authenticate_user # Call the helper method
    # Rest of your action code

This approach enables you to keep your authentication logic centralized and reusable across different controllers. Additionally, it maintains the efficiency and modularity typical of API applications. By structuring your helpers in modules, you can manage complexity and streamline repetitive tasks without the clutter of a full MVC setup, keeping your focus on optimizing workflow.