Handling emoticon parsing in JavaScript

I have a text area for comments and a division element that displays the comment preview. I want to convert emoticons into images within the preview. While some emoticons are rendering correctly, the following ones are not: ‘angel’, ‘arrow’, ‘at’, ‘:-]’, ‘:-?’, ‘B-)’, ‘B)’, ‘;)’, ‘exclamation’, ‘<3’, ‘huh’, ‘my’, ‘roll’, ‘:(’, ‘shy’, ‘|-)’, ‘:-P’. I’m puzzled about why these specific emoticons fail to display as images. How can I fix this? Here’s my JavaScript code:

var emoticons = {
    ':)': '<img src="images/smile.png" alt="" />',
    ':-)': '<img src="images/smile.png" alt="" />',
    ':D': '<img src="images/smile.png" alt="" />',
    ':-(': '<img src="images/sad.png" alt="" />',
    'angel': '<img src="images/angel.png" alt="" />',
    'arrow': '<img src="images/arrow.png" alt="" />',
    'at': '<img src="images/@.png" alt="" />',
    ':-D': '<img src="images/grin.png" alt="" />',
    'lol': '<img src="images/laugh.png" alt="" />',
    ':-]': '<img src="images/blush.png" alt="" />',
    ':-?': '<img src="images/confused.png" alt="" />',
    'B-)': '<img src="images/cool.png" alt="" />',
    'B)': '<img src="images/cool.png" alt="" />',
    ';)': '<img src="images/wink.png" alt="" />',
    'exclamation': '<img src="images/exclamation.png" alt="" />',
    '<3': '<img src="images/heart.png" alt="" />',
    'huh': '<img src="images/huh.png" alt="" />',
    'my': '<img src="images/my.png" alt="" />',
    'roll': '<img src="images/roll.png" alt="" />',
    ':(': '<img src="images/sad.png" alt="" />',
    'shy': '<img src="images/shy.png" alt="" />',
    '|-)': '<img src="images/sleepy.png" alt="" />',
    ':-P': '<img src="images/tongue.png" alt="" />',
    ':-|': '<img src="images/neutral.png" alt="" />',
    ';-)': '<img src="images/wink.png" alt="" />'

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.comments > textarea').on('input', function() {
        $('.comments > div').html(parseEmojis($('.comments > textarea').val()));

function parseEmojis(message) {
    message = message.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />');
    return message.replace(/(\:\)|\:-\)|\:D|\:-D|\blol\b|\:-\||\:-\(|\;\-\))/g, function(match) {
        return emoticons[match] || match;

To handle the parsing of emoticons that are not rendering correctly, you'll need to ensure that your parseEmojis function is checking for all the emoticon patterns in your emoticons object. Currently, the replace regex only picks up a subset of them.

Here's a solution to update your code:

function parseEmojis(message) {
    message = message.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />');
    return message.replace(/(:\)|:-\)|:D|:-D|\blol\b|:-\||:-\(|;-\)|angel|arrow|at|:-]|:-\?|B-\)|B\)|;\)|exclamation|<3|huh|my|roll|:\(|shy|\|-\)|:-P)/g, function(match) {
        return emoticons[match] || match;

Steps to make it efficient:

  1. Update the Regex: Include all emoticon patterns from the emoticons object, as seen above.
  2. Check the Image Paths: Ensure that the file names in the image paths like images/angel.png, images/arrow.png, etc., actually exist in your directory.
  3. Test and Verify: Run tests on your code after making the changes to verify that all specified emoticons render as expected.

This approach optimizes the parsing process by ensuring all emoticons are covered systematically. If some are still missing, it's likely due to typos or absent image resources.

It appears that the issue stems from the regular expression within your parseEmojis function. Currently, the regex is not set up to match all the emoticons you have defined, which is why only some are displaying correctly. To address this issue, you should include all emoticons in your regex pattern. Here's how you can approach this:

function parseEmojis(message) {
    message = message.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />');
    return message.replace(/(:\)|:-\)|:D|:-D|\blol\b|:-\||:-\(|;\-\)|angel|arrow|at|:-]|:-\?|B-\)|B\)|;\)|exclamation|<3|huh|my|roll|:\(|shy|\|-\)|:-P)/g, function(match) {
        return emoticons[match] || match;

Key Points to Consider:

  1. Regex Update: Modify your regex to include all the emoticon keys from your emoticons object. This ensures every defined pattern is checked for replacement.
  2. Image Verification: Double-check that all image paths are accurate and the corresponding image files (like images/angel.png) exist in the specified directory.
  3. Testing: Once these changes are made, thoroughly test your changes to confirm that each emoticon displays as intended in your comment preview.

With these steps, each emoticon included in your emoticons object should convert correctly to the corresponding image graphic in your comment preview.