How can I invoke a class method from a nested function within another method in JavaScript?

I’m trying to figure out how to call a class method from a nested function that resides within another method. Here’s an example to clarify my question:

class Sample {
  calculateSum(num) {
    let constant = 10;
    return num + constant;
  execute(funcValue) {
    const innerFunction = function(value) {
      return this.calculateSum(value);
let sampleInstance = new Sample();

I believe there should be a way to achieve this.

To call a class method from a nested function within another method in JavaScript, you need to maintain the proper reference to the class itself. In your code, the issue arises because this in the innerFunction does not refer to the class instance. Here’s a way to solve this using arrow functions:

class Sample {
  calculateSum(num) {
    let constant = 10;
    return num + constant;
  execute(funcValue) {
    const innerFunction = (value) => {
      return this.calculateSum(value);
    return innerFunction(funcValue);

let sampleInstance = new Sample();
console.log(sampleInstance.execute(3)); // Output: 13


  • Arrow Function: Unlike traditional functions, arrow functions do not bind their own this but inherit it from their parent scope, which is what you need here. By using an arrow function for innerFunction, this.calculateSum(value) refers correctly to the Sample class instance.

  • Context Binding: If you prefer using traditional functions, another approach would be to bind the this context explicitly:

class Sample {
  calculateSum(num) {
    let constant = 10;
    return num + constant;
  execute(funcValue) {
    const innerFunction = function(value) {
      return this.calculateSum(value);
    return innerFunction(funcValue);

Both of these approaches will ensure that you can call calculateSum from within innerFunction while maintaining the intended context.

Use an arrow function for innerFunction to keep the correct this reference:

class Sample {  calculateSum(num) {    let constant = 10;    return num + constant;  }  execute(funcValue) {    const innerFunction = (value) => this.calculateSum(value);    return innerFunction(funcValue);  }}let sampleInstance = new Sample();console.log(sampleInstance.execute(3)); // Output: 13

Arrow functions inherit this from their surrounding scope, so you can access calculateSum without issues.

To call a class method from a nested function within a method in JavaScript, you need to manage the reference to this correctly. Here's how you can do it using arrow functions:

class Sample {
  calculateSum(num) {
    let constant = 10;
    return num + constant;
  execute(funcValue) {
    const innerFunction = (value) => this.calculateSum(value);
    return innerFunction(funcValue);

let sampleInstance = new Sample();
console.log(sampleInstance.execute(3)); // Output: 13


  • Arrow Functions: Arrow functions don't have their own this; they inherit it from the context they are called in, which allows you to access the calculateSum instance method seamlessly.

This approach streamlines your code, ensuring efficient execution without additional complexity.

Invoking a class method from a nested function requires careful handling of the this context. As you've noticed, using a regular function creates a new this context that doesn't point to the class instance. Here are a few solutions to address this issue:

Solution 1: Using Arrow Functions

class Sample {
  calculateSum(num) {
    let constant = 10;
    return num + constant;
  execute(funcValue) {
    const innerFunction = (value) => this.calculateSum(value);
    return innerFunction(funcValue);

let sampleInstance = new Sample();
console.log(sampleInstance.execute(3)); // Output: 13

Arrow functions don't have their own this; they capture this from the surrounding context, ensuring the correct access to calculateSum.

Solution 2: Binding the Function

class Sample {
  calculateSum(num) {
    let constant = 10;
    return num + constant;
  execute(funcValue) {
    const innerFunction = function(value) {
      return this.calculateSum(value);
    return innerFunction(funcValue);

let sampleInstance = new Sample();
console.log(sampleInstance.execute(3)); // Output: 13

By using .bind(this), you explicitly bind the this context to the instance of the class, enabling calculateSum to be invoked as intended.

Both methods will effectively resolve the issue by ensuring that the nested function uses the appropriate this reference.