How can I properly compare strings for equality in JavaScript?

What is the proper method to determine if two strings are equal in JavaScript? I’m looking for a solution that guarantees accuracy in comparisons.

Use the triple equals === for accurate string comparison in JavaScript. It checks both value and type equality.

const isEqual = string1 === string2;

While the triple equals === operator is a common and reliable method to compare strings in JavaScript, alternative scenarios might require a more nuanced approach. For instance, if you need to compare strings in a case-insensitive manner or handle whitespace differences, there are various techniques to achieve this.

To perform a case-insensitive comparison, consider using the toLowerCase() or toUpperCase() methods:

const string1 = 'Hello'; const string2 = 'hello';

const isEqual = string1.toLowerCase() === string2.toLowerCase();
// isEqual will be true

If you want to ignore leading or trailing whitespace during comparison, you can use the trim() method:

const string1 = ' Hello world '; const string2 = 'Hello world';

const isEqual = string1.trim() === string2.trim();
// isEqual will be true

For more complex scenarios, such as ignoring diacritics, you may resort to using the localeCompare method with specific options:

const string1 = 'café'; const string2 = 'cafe';

const isEqual = string1.localeCompare(string2, undefined, { sensitivity: ‘base’ }) === 0;
// isEqual will be true

These methods ensure flexible and accurate string comparisons depending on your specific requirements, going beyond simple type and value equality checks.

For accurately comparing strings in JavaScript, especially when dealing with locale-specific or special character concerns, you might consider utilizing the Intl.Collator object. This approach allows for more sophisticated comparison processes, such as case and locale-specific sensitivity settings.

Here's how you can use Intl.Collator:

const collator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { sensitivity: 'base' }); const string1 = 'straße'; const string2 = 'strasse';

const isEqual =, string2) === 0;
// isEqual will be true

This method is particularly useful for internationalization contexts where string equality might need to consider regional variations. It guarantees a robust and flexible comparison while staying efficient.