How to fetch and display API data using Vue and RapidAPI?

I’m experimenting with Vue.js and RapidAPI, attempting to fetch and show data from an API via the JavaScript Fetch API. Unfortunately, when I execute my code, the only result I get is an empty array (i.e., ). Here’s a snippet of my code:

    <div>{{ jokeData }}</div>

let joke = [];
fetch('', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'x-rapidapi-host': '',
    'x-rapidapi-key': '***'
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(result => {
    joke = result;
  .catch(error => {

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      jokeData: joke

I also attempted the following:

let joke; 
fresh('', {...}

However, I only received [object Promise] instead of the expected output. What am I missing?