I am working with a complex JavaScript object structured like this: { ‘Tennis’: { ‘John’: { ‘Overall_score’: 329, ‘Games_played’: [ { ‘31/12/2024’: 151 }, { ‘25/12/2024’: 178 } ] }, ‘Klaas’: { ‘Overall_score’: 188, ‘Games_played’: [ { ‘10/11/2024’: 188 } ] } }, ‘Hockey’: { ‘Piet’: { ‘Overall_score’: 166, ‘Games_played’: [ { ‘01/12/2024’: 166 } ] } }, ‘Football’: { ‘John’: { ‘Overall_score’: 133, ‘Games_played’: [ { ‘06/12/2024’: 133 } ] } }, ‘Baseball’: { ‘Marie’: { ‘Overall_score’: 121, ‘Games_played’: [ { ‘24/12/2024’: 121 } ] } }, ‘Kitesurfing’: { ‘Peter’: { ‘Overall_score’: 185, ‘Games_played’: [ { ‘11/12/2024’: 185 } ] } } }. I want to sort this object by the total score for each game category, specifically aiming to prioritize the highest score in Tennis. As a beginner in JavaScript, I’m unsure of how to commence this task. Any guidance would be appreciated.
To efficiently organize and prioritize your JavaScript object based on the highest score in Tennis first, you can achieve this by sorting. Here is a practical approach you can follow:
Extract a Scores Array: Create an array where each element is an object containing the sport name and its total score.
const sportsScores = []; for (const sport in yourObject) { let totalScore = 0; for (const player in yourObject[sport]) { totalScore += yourObject[sport][player]['Overall_score']; } sportsScores.push({ sport, score: totalScore }); }
Sort the Array: Next, sort this array, keeping Tennis at the top by default.
sportsScores.sort((a, b) => { if (a.sport === 'Tennis') return -1; if (b.sport === 'Tennis') return 1; return b.score - a.score; });
Re-construct the Object: Finally, use this sorted array to build a new object.
const sortedObject = {}; sportsScores.forEach(sport => { sortedObject[sport.sport] = yourObject[sport.sport]; });
This approach will ensure that your object is organized based on the overall scores and Tennis is given top priority. This method is direct and maximizes efficiency by processing data in a straightforward manner.
To effectively organize your nested JavaScript object so that Tennis appears first by prioritizing its total score, you can adopt a unique strategy. Here is an alternative method to accomplish this:
Calculate the Total Score with a Reducer: Utilize the
method to systematically compute the total score for each sport category by summing up the overall scores of players within that sport.const calculateTotalScores = (object) => { return Object.keys(object).reduce((acc, sport) => { const totalScore = Object.values(object[sport]).reduce((total, player) => total + player.Overall_score, 0); acc.push({ sport, score: totalScore }); return acc; }, []); };
const sportsScores = calculateTotalScores(yourObject);
Sort Based on Specific Criteria: Apply sorting logic with Tennis prioritized. This involves checking if either of the compared sports is Tennis, and sorting accordingly.
sportsScores.sort((a, b) => { if (a.sport === 'Tennis') return -1; if (b.sport === 'Tennis') return 1; return b.score - a.score; });
Rebuild the Sorted Object: After sorting, reconstruct the original object’s structure using the order derived from the sorted sports list.
const sortedObject = sportsScores.reduce((acc, { sport }) => { acc[sport] = yourObject[sport]; return acc; }, {});
This method ensures that your JavaScript object is reorganized effectively by highlighting Tennis, followed by other sports based on their total scores.
Here's a simple way to sort your object with Tennis at the top:
// Function to get total scores
const getTotalScores = obj => {
return Object.entries(obj).map(([sport, players]) => {
const score = Object.values(players).reduce((sum, player) => sum + player.Overall_score, 0);
return { sport, score };
// Calculate and sort scores
const sortSports = obj => {
const scores = getTotalScores(obj);
scores.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.sport === 'Tennis') return -1;
else if (b.sport === 'Tennis') return 1;
return b.score - a.score;
// Build sorted object
const sortedObj = {};
scores.forEach(({sport}) => {
sortedObj[sport] = obj[sport];
return sortedObj;
const sortedObject = sortSports(yourObject);
This will sort the sports with Tennis first, then by highest total score.
To sort and prioritize your JavaScript object with Tennis first, you can efficiently approach it with a combination of array manipulation and sorting logic. Here’s how:
Compile an Array of Scores: Start by creating an array that holds each sport and its total score.
const calculateScores = (data) => { return Object.keys(data).map(sport => { const totalScore = Object.values(data[sport]) .map(player => player['Overall_score']) .reduce((sum, score) => sum + score, 0); return { sport, score: totalScore }; }); };
const sportsScores = calculateScores(yourObject);
Prioritize and Sort: Arrange the array to have Tennis first, followed by sports sorted by their total score.
sportsScores.sort((a, b) => { if (a.sport === 'Tennis') return -1; if (b.sport === 'Tennis') return 1; return b.score - a.score; });
Recompose the Object: Use the sorted array to construct a new object maintaining the desired order.
const createSortedObject = (sortedScores, originalData) => { return sortedScores.reduce((sortedObj, { sport }) => { sortedObj[sport] = originalData[sport]; return sortedObj; }, {}); };
const sortedObject = createSortedObject(sportsScores, yourObject);
By following this method, you will efficiently sort your object, ensuring Tennis is emphasized, then other sports are ordered by their total scores.