Problem with Yii form rendering through JavaScript

I am a beginner with Yii and I am uncertain if I am making mistakes in my implementation. I am attempting to iterate through an array of remote search forms and display the relevant form in the innerHTML based on the user’s selected search type. However, when I include the PHP form render in the array, none of my remaining innerHTML elements show up, and the forms fail to render. They work perfectly fine in HTML, but issues arise when I try to display them via JavaScript. Can anyone provide guidance on this? Below is my code:


div class='search-tabs-new animated fadeInUp'>
<!-- Selector for search method (by Person, Phone, or Address) -->
<div class='home-search-custom-select'>
  <ul class='home-search-method-options-list'>
    <li id='home-search-by-btn'>Select Search Option...</li>
    <li class='home-search-method-option'></li>
    <li class='home-search-method-option'></li>
    <li class='home-search-method-option'></li>

<div id='home-search-form-area'>


let searchOptions = [
  'Phone Number',

let searchForms = [
  '<?= $this->render('/site/forms/phone_search', ['uri' => Url::to(['phone/process'])]); ?>',
  '<?= $this->render('/site/forms/person_search', ['uri' => Url::to(['people/process'])]); ?>',
  '<?= $this->render('/site/forms/address_search', ['uri' => Url::to(['address/process'])]); ?>'

let methodOptions = document.querySelectorAll('.home-search-method-option');
methodOptions = Array.from(methodOptions);

function initializeSearchMethods() {
  for (let index = 0; index < methodOptions.length; index++) {
    const option = methodOptions[index];
    const searchType = searchOptions[index];
    const currentForm = searchForms[index];

    option.innerHTML = searchType;

    option.addEventListener('click', function() {
      document.getElementById('home-search-form-area').innerHTML = currentForm;


The issue you're encountering appears to be related to the way PHP code is being handled within your JavaScript array, resulting in problems when the forms are rendered through JavaScript.

When server-side PHP code is mixed with client-side JavaScript in an attempt to dynamically render forms, it can lead to conflicts since the PHP code is interpreted on the server side before being sent to the client. Thus, attempting to set PHP rendered strings as innerHTML directly within JavaScript might not work if the server-side code doesn't produce the expected result.

Here is a suggested approach:

  1. Separate PHP Rendering: Render each form separately in HTML and hide them initially using CSS.
  2. JavaScript Display Logic: Use JavaScript to toggle visibility of these forms based on the user's selection.

Below is an example implementation:

View (HTML & PHP):

<div class='search-tabs-new animated fadeInUp'>
  <!-- Selector for search method -->
  <div class='home-search-custom-select'>
    <ul class='home-search-method-options-list'>
      <li id='home-search-by-btn'>Select Search Option...</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Phone Number</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Name</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Address</li>

<div id=‘home-search-form-area’>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘phone-search-form’ style=‘display: none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/phone_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘phone/process’])]); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘person-search-form’ style=‘display: none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/person_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘people/process’])]); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘address-search-form’ style=‘display: none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/address_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘address/process’])]); ?>


let searchMap = {
  'Phone Number': 'phone-search-form',
  'Name': 'person-search-form',
  'Address': 'address-search-form'

let methodOptions = document.querySelectorAll(‘.home-search-method-option’);

function initializeSearchMethods() {
methodOptions.forEach((option) => {
option.addEventListener(‘click’, function() {
// Hide all forms
document.querySelectorAll(‘.search-form’).forEach(form => = ‘none’);
// Show the selected form
let formId = searchMap[option.innerHTML];
document.getElementById(formId).style.display = ‘block’;


By separating the rendering of the forms in the backend via PHP and managing their visibility solely on the client-side using JavaScript, you can ensure that the forms are rendered correctly and efficiently. The style.display property is used here to toggle the forms based on user interaction.

Your issue may stem from mixing PHP rendering with JavaScript, which can create conflicts when dynamically setting HTML content. Here's a streamlined approach:

View (HTML & PHP):

<div class='search-tabs-new'>
  <div class='home-search-custom-select'>
    <ul class='home-search-method-options-list'>
      <li id='home-search-by-btn'>Select Search Option...</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Phone Number</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Name</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Address</li>

<div id=‘home-search-form-area’>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘phone-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/phone_search’); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘person-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/person_search’); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘address-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/address_search’); ?>


let searchMap = {
  'Phone Number': 'phone-search-form',
  'Name': 'person-search-form',
  'Address': 'address-search-form'

let methodOptions = document.querySelectorAll(‘.home-search-method-option’);

function initializeSearchMethods() {
methodOptions.forEach((option) => {
option.addEventListener(‘click’, function() {
document.querySelectorAll(‘.search-form’).forEach(form => = ‘none’);
let formId = searchMap[option.innerHTML];
document.getElementById(formId).style.display = ‘block’;


This approach uses CSS to initially hide forms and JavaScript to toggle visibility, ensuring correct rendering.

Hi FlyingLeaf,

The challenge you're encountering is common when integrating server-side rendering with client-side JavaScript. Here's a streamlined solution to tackle this more effectively:

Solution Overview:

  • PHP Rendering Separation: Render each form independently in your HTML, hiding them initially with CSS.
  • JavaScript for Visibility: Use JavaScript to toggle form visibility based on user selection.

This approach prevents errors related to attempting to directly manage PHP-rendered elements within JavaScript.

Step-by-Step Implementation:


<div class='search-tabs-new animated fadeInUp'>
  <div class='home-search-custom-select'>
    <ul class='home-search-method-options-list'>
      <li id='home-search-by-btn'>Select Search Option...</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Phone Number</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Name</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Address</li>

<div id=‘home-search-form-area’>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘phone-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/phone_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘phone/process’])]); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘person-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/person_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘people/process’])]); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘address-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/address_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘address/process’])]); ?>


let searchMap = {
  'Phone Number': 'phone-search-form',
  'Name': 'person-search-form',
  'Address': 'address-search-form'

let methodOptions = document.querySelectorAll(‘.home-search-method-option’);

function initializeSearchMethods() {
methodOptions.forEach((option) => {
option.addEventListener(‘click’, function() {
document.querySelectorAll(‘.search-form’).forEach(form => = ‘none’);
let formId = searchMap[option.innerHTML];
document.getElementById(formId).style.display = ‘block’;


This layout ensures that all forms are pre-rendered by PHP, allowing you to easily switch their display states without additional server calls. This method is efficient and keeps client-side logic straightforward.


David Grant

Your issue primarily arises from intertwining server-side PHP code directly with client-side JavaScript, which is processed separately and can result in rendering conflicts. Let me suggest an approach that cleanly separates these concerns:

Approach Overview:

  • PHP Side: Render each form independently on the server-side and embed them in your HTML structure, keeping them hidden with CSS initially.
  • JavaScript Side: Use JavaScript only to toggle the visibility of these pre-rendered forms based on user interactions.

Implementation Steps:

<div class='search-tabs-new animated fadeInUp'>
  <div class='home-search-custom-select'>
    <ul class='home-search-method-options-list'>
      <li id='home-search-by-btn'>Select Search Option...</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Phone Number</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Name</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Address</li>

<div id=‘home-search-form-area’>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘phone-search-form’ style=‘display: none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/phone_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘phone/process’])]); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘person-search-form’ style=‘display: none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/person_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘people/process’])]); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘address-search-form’ style=‘display: none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/address_search’, [‘uri’ => Url::to([‘address/process’])]); ?>


This solution allows PHP to handle rendering without JavaScript interference, while JavaScript efficiently manages visibility changes. This not only minimizes potential errors but also enhances user experience by avoiding unnecessary server calls and re-renders.

Hey FlyingLeaf,

The main issue here is mixing PHP rendering with JavaScript, causing rendering conflicts. Here’s how to fix it:


<div class='search-tabs-new'>
  <div class='home-search-custom-select'>
    <ul class='home-search-method-options-list'>
      <li id='home-search-by-btn'>Select Search Option...</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Phone Number</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Name</li>
      <li class='home-search-method-option'>Address</li>

<div id=‘home-search-form-area’>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘phone-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/phone_search’); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘person-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/person_search’); ?>
<div class=‘search-form’ id=‘address-search-form’ style=‘display:none;’>
<?= $this->render(‘/site/forms/address_search’); ?>


This solution keeps PHP rendering separate and uses JavaScript to toggle visibility.