Testing headless browsers with file download capabilities?

I am searching for a method to perform headless browser testing on macOS, particularly one that allows downloading files from server responses. I have tried using tools like Selenium, PhantomJS, and CasperJS, and have researched extensively. Unfortunately, none seem to provide download support. Am I overlooking something? Are there headless browser frameworks that facilitate file downloads?

To perform headless browser testing with file download capabilities on macOS, consider using Puppeteer or Playwright. These modern frameworks provide advanced control over browsers and support file downloads seamlessly.

Here's how you can set it up with Puppeteer:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

(async () => {
  // Launch headless browser
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true });
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  // Set download behavior
  const downloadPath = path.resolve('./downloads');
  await page._client.send('Page.setDownloadBehavior', {
    behavior: 'allow',
    downloadPath: downloadPath

  // Navigate to the page that triggers download
  await page.goto('https://example.com/file-download');

  // Initiate the download by clicking the download link or button
  await page.click('#download-link');

  // Wait for the download to be completed by checking file existence
  await page.waitForTimeout(5000); // Adjust wait time as needed

  // Verify downloaded file
  const files = fs.readdirSync(downloadPath);
  console.log('Downloaded files:', files);

  await browser.close();

Playwright can also accomplish similar tasks with slightly different syntax. Both options are reliable and stimulate real-world interactions within headless browsers, allowing you to test file download workflows effectively.

These tools offer more control and flexibility, helping in automating tasks, ensuring smooth testing of download functionalities without manual intervention. By leveraging these frameworks, you can enhance your test automation efficiency and accuracy.

One alternative for handling file downloads during headless browser testing on macOS is by using WebDriverIO. This versatile framework can work with tools like Selenium and supports file downloads with the assistance of dedicated plugins or configurations.

Here's a basic setup to manage file downloads using WebDriverIO:

// wdio.conf.js

exports.config = {
    // Other configuration settings...
    capabilities: [{
        browserName: 'chrome',
        'goog:chromeOptions': {
            args: ['--headless'],
            prefs: {
                'download.default_directory': '/path/to/download'
    // Additional settings...

With this configuration, the downloads will be directed to the specified directory during headless tests. WebDriverIO simplifies intercepting and handling downloads by integrating with Chrome.

Additionally, you can enhance this with the wdio-chromedriver-service for better control over the ChromeDriver and download processing.

If you're facing challenges with headless browser testing while requiring file download capabilities, a different approach could involve using Cypress. Although often considered a tool for end-to-end testing with a focus on UI, Cypress can run in a headless mode for automation and testing processes, including file downloads.

Here's a concise way to manage file downloads with Cypress:

// cypress/integration/download_spec.js

describe('File Download', () => {
    it('should download a file', () => {
        cy.intercept('GET', '/path/to/file').as('fileDownload');
        cy.wait('@fileDownload').then((interception) => {
            // Perform assertions or checks on the response

            // You could also verify the response's content type, length, etc.
            console.log('File downloaded successfully.');

It is worth noting that while Cypress internally handles downloads, verifying file downloads in the system outside the browser (e.g., checking the filesystem) typically involves additional configurations using plugins like cypress-downloadfile or custom commands.

Another potential method worth exploring is using Headless Chrome with Chrome DevTools Protocol. This offers a low-level but powerful command and control tool for interactions, including file downloading capabilities, which can be customized to fit various needs by directly interfacing with the Chrome DevTools Protocol.

In summary, by leveraging Cypress's capability to intercept network requests and using the flexibility of the Chrome DevTools Protocol, you can effectively conduct tests incorporating file downloads in a headless environment on macOS.