Unable to Understand Navigation Issues with Headless Browser Clicks in SimpleBrowser

I am running the code below and noticing inconsistent results from two clicks. No exceptions are raised, yet the first click returns NavigationSucceeded while the second gives NavigationFailed. When I perform these clicks manually, they lead to a different page, which complicates things.

Browser browserInstance = new Browser();
browserInstance.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0";
browserInstance.AutoRedirect = true;

string homepage = ...;
string pageContent1 = browserInstance.CurrentHtml;

HtmlResult linkElement = browserInstance.Find(ElementType.Link, "name", "xxx");
ClickResult clickResult1 = linkElement.Click();
string pageContent2 = browserInstance.CurrentHtml;

HtmlResult buttonElement = browserInstance.Find(ElementType.Button, "name", "yyy");
ClickResult clickResult2 = buttonElement.Click();
string pageContent3 = browserInstance.CurrentHtml;

How can I investigate this issue further, and where can I find additional resources regarding the source of the navigation error? I am still learning about headless browsing, so any advice would be appreciated.

Addressing navigation issues with headless browsers, like SimpleBrowser, can be tricky, but here are some practical steps to troubleshoot.

  • Debugging Console Output: Start by logging each step of your process, including clicks and page loads. Print the CurrentHtml content to catch any redirects or unexpected page elements that might alter navigation.
  • Increase Load Time: Some pages may load resources asynchronously. Introduce manual wait times after each navigation, perhaps with a sleep function, to ensure pages have fully loaded before proceeding.
  • Verify Element Existence and State: Before clicking, confirm whether elements like links or buttons are indeed loaded and in an interactive state. Conditional checks can improve your script reliability.
  • Error Logging: Use logging functionality to capture any subtle errors or warnings returned by the browser's engine. Not all issues trigger exceptions but may log errors internally.
  • User-Agent Consistency: Ensure consistency by setting the same User-Agent for both manual and automated testing to reduce differences in server responses.

By incorporating these tests, you can close in on inconsistencies more efficiently. For further guidance, reviewing online forums specific to SimpleBrowser might offer additional insights. Good luck!