About the Tips & Tutorials category

For new users.

This section contains step-by-step guides and tutorials that help new users better understand the Latenode platform and its features.


  1. :mortar_board: Post only educational content. This category is specifically for detailed guides, instructions, and step-by-step lessons.
  2. :books: Check existing tutorials before posting. If a similar guide already exists, consider adding to or commenting on it instead of creating a new topic.
  3. :clipboard: Structure your material clearly. Use headings, subheadings, and lists for better readability. Attach images, code snippets, or video links if needed.
  4. :sparkles: Be patient with newcomers. Remember that tutorials are often used by beginners, who might need extra guidance. Explain each step in detail.
  5. :speech_balloon: Encourage feedback. Ask users what they found useful or if there’s anything that could be improved in your guide.