All Scenarios w/ Slack Nodes Failing

I have several scenarios failing today - all on Slack nodes.

Receiving error:
1. exec command error: request to pd server code 500 error: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/app/pd-runner/components/components/slack/actions/send-message-private-channel/send-message-private-channel.mjs' imported from /app/pd-runner/components/components/slack_bot/actions/send-message-private-channel/send-message-private-channel.mjs


Thank you for sharing this! We’ll test it in the near future to identify any potential issues and work on resolving them promptly. If we find anything, we’ll update you as soon as possible.

Could you also share a link to the executions with errors? It would help us investigate further.

It should be fixed now!