Are npm download figures artificially inflated?

I published an npm package not too long ago and was surprised to see it hit 60 downloads without any promotion. Moreover, every time I update the version, the download count rises by around 50 to 60. Does this seem like a built-in feature to boost our motivation, or is there another reason behind this steady increase in numbers?

Based on my own experience working with npm packages, the download figures aren’t necessarily artificially inflated. They typically count repeated downloads, including every installation and update, which can result in numbers that seem high at first glance. In my case, each minor version update has also bumped the download count noticeably. These numbers are more reflective of npm’s counting mechanism than of unique active users. I recommend looking at additional metrics like GitHub clones or issues to get a better understanding of real-world engagement.

hey, imho npm just recalc every time an update happens so numbers look inflated. its not that downloads are faked but more about every install being recounted. i noticed similar trends in my projects, so it doesnt mean your pkg is more popular than it seems.

I have also looked into this behavior over the years, and what I found is that npm counts every installation and update as a separate download. When I released a new version of my own package, I noticed that downloads increased consistently, even if the same user was involved. This kind of metric can be a bit misleading for gauging unique usage or engagement. It’s more insightful to consider other indicators like actual user feedback on GitHub or usage data available through external tools to get a true picture of your package’s impact.