Camel case in Database


Today I encountered something confusing while working with the database. I noticed that when retrieving objects using the “Database - Get Objects” node, the keys in the database like "rowID: 1" are being automatically transformed into snake case, like "row_i_d: 1". Similarly, "trackerLink" becomes "tracker_link".

Is there a way to prevent this transformation, or should I adjust my code to handle the snake case format? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

Adding the data in snake case (!) with the “Database - Create Object” node actually creates data in camel case when I inspect it in the Database section (Latenode), but the “Database - Get Objects” still returns the values in snake case.

Hi! I’ll check with the development team. Could you let me know if this is causing any issues for you when creating the scenario, or are you just looking to confirm the logic for building it further? :slight_smile:

Thanks for checking! I’ve managed to adjust the code, so it’s working fine now. However, the confusion comes from the discrepancy in the values. The data in the Database appears in camelCase, but the output from the Database - Get Objects node also converts them to snake_case, which can be a bit confusing when trying to trace things back. It’s more of a minor inconvenience than a blocker, but clarifying this would definitely help avoid potential confusion down the road.

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