Converting data into a specified structure using JavaScript

I’m fairly new to JavaScript and trying to transform this array:

var students = [

into a structure like this:

students = {
  "Alice": [110, 75],
  "Bob": [115, 132]

I haven’t been able to figure it out. Any guidance would be appreciated. Suggestions for alternative formats to group a student’s scores together are also welcome. You might find it useful to reference the JavaScript Wikipedia page for more details on objects.

Hey! Use reduce to transform the array:

var students = ["Alice-110", "Bob-115", "Alice-75", "Bob-132"];

var result = students.reduce((acc, entry) => {
  let [name, score] = entry.split('-');
  (acc[name] = acc[name] || []).push(+score);
  return acc;
}, {});


This groups scores by student names.

Hey there! Transforming arrays into structured objects can be quite a fun puzzle. Here’s a step-by-step way to organize your student scores:

var students = [

var studentScores = {};

students.forEach(function(entry) {
  var parts = entry.split('-'); // This splits names and scores
  var name = parts[0];
  var score = parseInt(parts[1]);

  if (!studentScores[name]) {
    studentScores[name] = []; // Initialize array if it doesn't exist
  studentScores[name].push(score); // Add score to the name's list


This method loops through the array, splits each string into a name and score, and manages them in an object. It’s clean and effective! If you have any more questions or need further help, feel free to ask. :blush:

Hey there! Transforming an array like this is a fun little challenge. Here’s a cool way to do it using reduce in JavaScript, similar yet distinct from the approach mentioned earlier:

var students = ["Alice-110", "Bob-115", "Alice-75", "Bob-132"];

var groupedStudents = students.reduce((collection, studentData) => {
  let [name, score] = studentData.split('-');
  if (!collection[name]) {
    collection[name] = [];
  collection[name].push(parseInt(score, 10));
  return collection;
}, {});


In this version, breaking it down: we use reduce to initiate an empty object, then split each element to get the name and score. If the name isn’t yet a key in our object, we create it. Then, simply push the score into the array associated with each name. This technique is efficient and neatly compiles your data in one go! If you’ve got more questions, just fire away! :rocket:

Hey! Let’s turn that list of students and scores into a neat object with a simple JavaScript trick. Check this out:

var students = ["Alice-110", "Bob-115", "Alice-75", "Bob-132"];

let studentMap = {};

for (let pair of students) {
  const [name, score] = pair.split('-');
  (studentMap[name] ??= []).push(+score);


This loop through each entry, uses the nullish assignment (??=) to initialize arrays, and collects the scores—easy and effective! If you found this cool, let me know!

To convert an array of strings into a structured object in JavaScript, we can leverage the for...of loop combined with object destructuring and shorthand assignments to create an elegant solution. Here’s how you can accomplish this task:

Code Example:

var students = ["Alice-110", "Bob-115", "Alice-75", "Bob-132"];

let studentGrades = {}; // Initialize an empty object to store results

for (let studentEntry of students) {
  const [name, score] = studentEntry.split('-'); // Destructure the name and score
  // Use logical OR to initialize the array if it hasn't been created yet, then push the score
  (studentGrades[name] = studentGrades[name] || []).push(Number(score)); 



  1. Iteration: We loop over each element of the students array using for...of, which provides a clean and straightforward way to access each string.

  2. String Splitting: Each string is split into name and score using the split('-') method. Destructuring is used to directly assign the split elements to these variables.

  3. Dynamic Object Construction: The expression (studentGrades[name] = studentGrades[name] || []) ensures that, if the name key doesn’t already exist in studentGrades, it will be initialized as an empty array. This technique combines assignment and checking in a concise manner.

  4. Score Conversion and Insertion: The score is converted to a number with Number() and appended to the corresponding array for the name using the push() method.

This approach efficiently builds a well-structured object from your array, maintaining readability and simplicity. It’s also straightforward for both seasoned developers and those new to JavaScript. Feel free to modify or expand on this to fit more complex data structures or additional processing requirements!