Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal format in JavaScript

What is the method for converting a decimal number into its hexadecimal representation using JavaScript? I’m looking for a clear explanation or code example on how to achieve this.

To convert a decimal number to its hexadecimal representation in JavaScript, you can utilize the built-in toString method. This method can accept a radix argument, which specifies the base for number conversion. For hexadecimal conversion, the radix will be 16.


The Number.prototype.toString method is versatile and can be used for more than just hexadecimal conversions. When you pass 16 as an argument, it converts the number to a base-16 (hexadecimal) string.

Code Example:

function decimalToHex(decimalNumber) {
  if (typeof decimalNumber !== 'number') {
    throw new Error('Input must be a number.');
  return decimalNumber.toString(16);

// Usage:
console.log(decimalToHex(255));  // Outputs: "ff"
console.log(decimalToHex(16));   // Outputs: "10"
console.log(decimalToHex(12345));// Outputs: "3039"

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure that the input is a valid number. You might want to add error handling or input validation to make this function robust.
  • The output will be a lowercase hexadecimal string. If you need an uppercase representation, you can chain the toUpperCase method like so: decimalNumber.toString(16).toUpperCase().

By adopting this straightforward approach, you can easily convert any decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent, helping you in any computing scenario where hexadecimal notation is essential.

To transform a decimal number to hexadecimal in JavaScript, you can rely on a built-in method that’s both straightforward and efficient. Let’s get to it!

Simple Conversion Method:

The toString method on numbers allows you to specify a base, making it perfect for converting numbers to different formats, including hexadecimal.

Quick Code Example:

function convertToHex(decimalValue) {
  if (!Number.isFinite(decimalValue)) {
    throw new Error('Please provide a valid number.');
  return decimalValue.toString(16);

// Example usage:
console.log(convertToHex(255));  // Outputs: "ff"
console.log(convertToHex(16));   // Outputs: "10"
console.log(convertToHex(12345));// Outputs: "3039"

Key Points to Remember:

  • Input Validation: It’s a good practice to check if the input is a valid number using Number.isFinite.
  • Output Format: The resulting hexadecimal is in lowercase. If uppercase is required, just use .toUpperCase().

This method efficiently converts decimal numbers to hexadecimal, a useful feature in scenarios involving data encoding, debugging, or even game development where hex values can be crucial.

Hey there!

To convert a decimal to hexadecimal in JavaScript, use toString(16).

const toHex = num => num.toString(16);

// Examples:
console.log(toHex(255));  // "ff"
console.log(toHex(16));   // "10"
console.log(toHex(12345));// "3039"

That’s it!

Howdy :cowboy_hat_face:! If you ever wondered how to turn decimal numbers into hexadecimal using JavaScript, let me show you a nifty trick!

JavaScript has a built-in method called toString. This method can convert numbers to different bases, and for hexadecimal, you’ll use 16 as the base. Here’s a super simple function:

const convertDecimalToHex = (num) => num.toString(16);

// Try it out:
console.log(convertDecimalToHex(255));  // Output: "ff"
console.log(convertDecimalToHex(16));   // Output: "10"
console.log(convertDecimalToHex(12345));// Output: "3039"

This method is quick and handy for many applications, like color coding or debugging data. Remember, if you want uppercase hex values, just add .toUpperCase() after toString(16). Enjoy playing around with this cool conversion! :rocket: