DocuSign auth broken

I am trying to create a DocuSign node and when I click the Sign In button, the username and pass comes back with “Invalid email and / or password”. I verified in another browser multiple times that the credentials are in fact correct.


I tested it and encountered the same issue. I’ve forwarded it to the developers for further testing and will get back to you as soon as I receive their feedback.

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@greenphoenix_eng |

Currently, to authorize in DocuSign, you need to create your own application within their interface. The developers have provided a guide inside the node to ensure there are no difficulties with this process.

Once this is done, everything should work perfectly.

Please check and confirm :pray:

Hi Raian, thanks for the follow up! I tried this but no success.

I created the Integration Key and Secret Key, added them to the Client_ID and Client_Secret fields assuming that was the intent.
The error was: “The client id provided is not registered with Docusign.”

A client_id and client_secret are used under a Client Credentials grant type. However, the grant type DocuSign offers under these instructions is Authorization Code Grant.

This doc explains the DocuSign authentication methods: Docusign Authentication Overview | Docusign
The right approach is JWT grant since it is service to service.

There’s also the ability to enter RSA key pair in the current setup:

As for the “legacy” node - I was able to auth but it didn’t recognize my template ID:

Are you using a paid DocuSign account? Free accounts have very strict limitations when working with the API.

If you’re on a paid account and the issue isn’t related to that, we’ll create a tutorial on how to set up authorization.