@Raian, by the way, I just tested the creation of the personal app auth and it fails because: “The requested redirect URL is not permitted.”.
Looking at the query string in the browser from the error page, the redirect URI param is stated as: redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.latenode.com%2Fredirected%2Findex.html
Thanks for your response. I assume that means I would need to utilize two different Etsy auth setups: one for the LN-provided triggers/actions (Etsy OAuth 2.0) and another for custom code actions (Etsy OAuth Personal App)?
If you are using Latenode nodes, then yes, you should use the common Etsy OAuth 2.0.
Regarding the Payment Account and Receipts API, as well as all other nodes that are not developed within Latenode, please use Etsy OAuth Personal App.
Regarding the redirect URL, have you added the respective redirect as mentioned in the description in your app settings?