The following error is presented during the oAuth connect process for the new Etsy integration:
This personal application has reached the maximum number of users. Please reach out to the owner of the application for additional support or to request they apply for commercial level access. If you are an application owner, you can apply for commercial access on the Etsy Developers site.
It looks like the dev team forgot to switch over the account details during the deployment of the app.
The developers are waiting for verification to make the application public. By tomorrow, they will try to provide a solution for a quick start, possibly including an option for authorization through their own application.
Hi! Since we had to submit a request for additional verification and considering the time it took in the past, the developers have created an authorization process for developer applications. Now, you can create your own app, authorize it, and it will work without any issues.
Thanks for this @raian, unfortunately we still have an issue with custom code modules and the etsy auth, as the auth data available for Etsy is limited to the access token, whereas we also need the clientid (API Key) to be available in order to make custom API requests.
@Raian Incomplete coverage of all Etsy API endpoints. For example ones I use for analysis include payment-account/ledger-entries for example, which is easy enough to code via a custom node.
Note, your incomplete coverage is on par with other solutions (Pipedream, etc) who also focus the integrations with transaction/listing management, but those also allow custom API coding and expose the additional API key.
You might recall this was part of my original request for Etsy to allow custom coding: OAuth 2 Code Grant workflow
I spoke with the developer, and during standard authentication through our application, no additional data should be returned. The client ID is provided only when connecting through a personal app rather than the regular Etsy OAuth 2.
If additional details or examples are needed, we can provide them
Thanks for the input @Oleg , but i think you’ve come into this a bit too high level. The issue is that for Etsy, they require both the auth token and the client key, and only the auth token is exposed in the Authorizations panel.
However, our authorization through our Etsy OAuth 2.0 application operates using our credentials and does not return the keyString (client_id = x-api-key), as working with such methods is currently not supported.
To ensure full functionality for your Etsy integration, could you please clarify which specific endpoints you are using and which methods you are missing? The developers will add these nodes as needed.
Thanks for your response. I assume that will mean that I would need to utilise 2 different etsy auth setups, one for the LN provided triggers/actions (Etsy OAuth 2.0) and one for custom code actions (Etsy OAuth Personal App)?
At present, the endpoints I am using are (all under /v3/application/shops/{shop_id}):