Android logs a raw HTTP response from RapidAPI Urban Dictionary. How can I convert this output into JSON or a formatted string? Example:
OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
Request req = new Request.Builder()
.header("x-api-key", "YOUR_KEY_HERE")
Response res = httpClient.newCall(req).execute();
String resultData = res.body().string();
Log.d("INFO", "Result: " + resultData);
I faced a similar challenge when trying to convert a raw HTTP response to JSON in Android. From my experience, I found that checking if the string starts and ends with the proper JSON symbols can help prevent parsing errors. I used Android’s JSONObject class to wrap the raw string without additional libraries. You can also consider using Gson to map the response to a defined POJO if you need deeper data processing. The key is to ensure that the response is well-formed JSON, and if not, carefully trim any extra characters before parsing.
I found that converting the raw HTTP response into JSON can be handled effectively using libraries like Gson rather than manually checking string boundaries. In one project I worked on, I wrapped the conversion in a try/catch block right after reading the response to immediately catch any anomalies in the data. After confirming the response code was as expected, I parsed the string into a defined POJO to ensure type safety and ease of use in later operations. This method proves reliable for handling varied response formats.
hey, i had similar probs. i fixed mine by triming the response to get rid of extra data and then using try { new jsonobject(raw); } catch errors. works well for me if you double-check the raw output