How can I use JavaScript to populate an ASP.Net ComboBox with items?

I need assistance adding elements to an ASP.Net ComboBox through JavaScript without a Masterpage. I can access the ID, but I’m unsure how to introduce values from JavaScript. Here’s the current implementation I’m working with:

    // Populate ComboBox with the next 100 years
    function populateYears() {
        var birthday = $('#txtBDate').val();
        birthday = birthday.toString().substring(6);

        var startYear = parseInt(birthday);

        // Add the subsequent 100 years to the ComboBox
        for (var yearOffset = 1; yearOffset <= 100; yearOffset++) {
            startYear += 1;

            var newOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
            newOption.text = startYear;
            newOption.value = startYear;

You can populate an ASP.Net ComboBox (which renders as a <select> element) using JavaScript like this:

function populateYears() {
    var birthday = document.getElementById('txtBDate').value;
    birthday = birthday.toString().substring(6);

    var startYear = parseInt(birthday);
    var comboBox = document.getElementById('ddlYear'); // Assuming ddlYear is your ComboBox ID

    for (var yearOffset = 1; yearOffset <= 100; yearOffset++) {
        startYear += 1;
        var newOption = document.createElement('option');
        newOption.text = startYear;
        newOption.value = startYear;

Make sure the IDs in your JavaScript match the IDs of your input field and ComboBox in the HTML. Replace 'ddlYear' with the correct ID if different.

To populate an ASP.Net ComboBox using JavaScript, you can directly manipulate the DOM elements as you've begun to do. It looks like you're on the right track! Here’s how you can populate the ComboBox with items:

// Function to populate ComboBox with the next 100 years
function populateYears() {
    // Assuming 'txtBDate' is an input with a date value in the format 'MM/DD/YYYY'
    var birthday = document.getElementById('txtBDate').value;
    var startYear = parseInt(birthday.substring(6)); // Extracting the year from the date

    var comboBox = document.getElementById('ddlYear');
    for (var yearOffset = 1; yearOffset <= 100; yearOffset++) {
        startYear += 1;

        var newOption = document.createElement("option");
        newOption.text = startYear;
        newOption.value = startYear;

// Call this function to populate the ComboBox when needed

This script assumes:

  • The date is in the format 'MM/DD/YYYY' and is retrieved from an input field with the ID txtBDate.
  • The ComboBox (or <select> element) you're trying to populate has the ID ddlYear.

Just call the populateYears function when you need to add the options to the ComboBox, and it will add the next 100 years starting from the year extracted from the birthday value.

To populate an ASP.Net ComboBox with items using JavaScript, you must ensure that the ComboBox is accessible in a way that JavaScript can manipulate. Assuming you're using a standard HTML <select> element for the ComboBox on the client side, you can achieve this using the DOM methods.

Here is a refined approach based on your implementation:

<select id="ddlYear"></select>

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Populate ComboBox with the next 100 years
    function populateYears() {
        var birthday = document.getElementById('txtBDate').value;
        birthday = birthday.toString().substring(6);

        var startYear = parseInt(birthday);

        // Ensure the ComboBox is empty before adding new options
        var comboBox = document.getElementById('ddlYear');
        comboBox.innerHTML = '';

        // Add the subsequent 100 years to the ComboBox
        for (var yearOffset = 1; yearOffset <= 100; yearOffset++) {
            startYear += 1;

            var newOption = document.createElement('option');
            newOption.text = startYear;
            newOption.value = startYear;


  • Use document.getElementById to get both the birthdate input field and the ComboBox element.
  • The innerHTML = ''; is used to clear any existing options, ensuring that the ComboBox is populated only with the new set of 100 years each time the function runs.
  • A for loop is utilized to iterate and append 100 years starting from the given birth year, using startYear which is derived from the birthdate input field.
  • Each year is added as an <option> element to the ComboBox identified by 'ddlYear'.

This should correctly populate your ASP.Net ComboBox with the desired list of years using your JavaScript function. Ensure that your ComboBox in the ASP.Net page is rendered as a standard HTML select element, or use the appropriate client-side ID that ASP.Net generates.