How to make a headless browser stop page loading?

I’m utilizing the watir-webdriver gem in Ruby to automate a Chrome browser session. As the browser attempts to navigate to a certain page, it experiences significant delays that result in a timeout error from watir-webdriver. How can I instruct the browser to cease loading the current page when it gets stuck due to slow loading times? Here is a sample of my code for reference:

require 'watir-webdriver'

http_client =
http_client.timeout = 10
@browser = :chrome, :http_client => http_client

urls = [
  "", # This site is too slow

urls.each do |site|
    puts "Loaded: #{site}"
    puts "Failed: #{site}"

Currently, it seems the browser doesn’t process any additional commands until the page completely loads. Is there a way to discard the page currently in progress and move to the next command?

Additionally, I found a capability flag named loadAsync that might assist in addressing this issue. However, I’m unsure how to implement it within watir for initializing chromedriver. Any help would be appreciated.

To stop loading a web page that's stuck using Watir, you might try handling it with a timeout and close the tab if needed. Here's a way to implement it:

require 'watir-webdriver'

http_client =
http_client.timeout = 10
@browser = :chrome, :http_client => http_client

urls = [
  "", # This site is too slow

urls.each do |site|
    Timeout.timeout(10) do
    puts "Loaded: #{site}"
  rescue Timeout::Error
    puts "Timed out: #{site}"
    @browser.execute_script('window.stop()') # Stops loading the page
    puts "Failed: #{site}"

This uses Ruby's Timeout to control the loading duration. The window.stop() method is used to stop the page from loading any further if it exceeds the allocated time. This approach should help you manage the loading issue effectively.

You can handle this issue by injecting a script to periodically stop the loading if it exceeds a set duration using Watir. This script helps manage long load times effectively without requiring complex browser configurations.

require 'watir-webdriver'

http_client =
dhttp_client.timeout = 10 

@browser = :chrome, http_client: http_client

urls = [

urls.each do |site|
    script = "setTimeout('window.stop()', 10000);" # stops loading after 10 seconds
    puts "Loaded: #{site}"
  rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeoutError
    puts "Timed out: #{site}"
  rescue => error
    puts "Failed: #{site} - Error: #{error.message}"


  • The script uses setTimeout to call window.stop() after 10 seconds, which may stop lengthy page loads.
  • This should be used inside the page context to ensure only pages exceeding the timeout are stopped.

By applying this method, you can prevent excessive time delays due to slow-loading pages.

To address the issue of pages taking too long to load and potentially causing timeouts, you can introduce a combination of timeout handling and page navigation strategies. While the previous approach focused on halting the page load, an alternative strategy is to manage asynchronous loading upfront with browser options configured at the creation of the browser object. This minimizes the attempt to load problematic resources.

Here's a refined strategy that leverages browser capabilities to handle resource loading more efficiently:

require 'watir-webdriver'

# Configure http client with a timeout
http_client =
http_client.timeout = 10

# Configure browser options to optimize resource loading
chrome_options =
# Disable loading of images and JavaScript to speed up navigation

@browser = :chrome, http_client: http_client, options: chrome_options

urls = [
  "", # This site is too slow

urls.each do |site|
    Timeout.timeout(10) do
    puts "Loaded: #{site}"
  rescue Timeout::Error
    puts "Timed out: #{site}"
    @browser.execute_script('window.stop()') # Stops loading the page
    puts "Failed: #{site}"

In this code, we add browser options to minimize resource loading, which can help alleviate the stress caused by slow-loading assets like images and JavaScript. Use the window.stop() JavaScript command to stop the page from loading if it still takes too long.

Implementing these changes should make your browsing automation more efficient and less prone to issues with timeouts.

To improve your browser automation and manage long page load times with Watir, consider using a combination of optimized browser settings and condition checking. Here’s a practical method:

require 'watir-webdriver'

http_client =
http_client.timeout = 10 # Ensuring a definite timeout period

chrome_options =
# You can control what should load to speed things up
chrome_options.add_argument('--blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false') # Example for disabling image loading

@browser = :chrome, http_client: http_client, options: chrome_options

urls = [
  "", # This site is too slow

urls.each do |site|
    Watir::Wait.until(timeout: 10) { @browser.ready_state == "complete" }
    puts "Loaded: #{site}"
  rescue Watir::Wait::TimeoutError
    puts "Timed out: #{site}"
    @browser.execute_script('window.stop()') # Stops loading of the page
  rescue => error
    puts "Failed: #{site} - Error: #{error.message}"


  • Watir::Wait.until checks the page's ready state, stopping if it doesn’t complete loading in the set time.
  • Using chrome_options to minimize resource loading, like disabling images, can make a significant difference in performance.
  • Including rescue with a specific error message helps to diagnose any unexpected errors.

By tweaking these parameters, you can tailor the behavior to match particular needs, improving overall time efficiency and reducing unnecessary delays.

To effectively manage excessively long page load times with Watir, consider bypassing heavy resources from being loaded in the first place, and using WebDriver's native method to terminate a loading process when required. Here's another approach that employs these strategies:

require 'watir-webdriver'

http_client =
http_client.timeout = 10

# Configure Chrome options to avoid loading heavy resources like images
chrome_options =

# Use Watir to open a browser with these configurations
@browser = :chrome, http_client: http_client, options: chrome_options

pages = [
  "",  # This site is too slow

pages.each do |url|
    timeout = Timeout.timeout(10) do
    puts "Loaded: #{url}"
  rescue Timeout::Error
    puts "Loading timed out for: #{url}"
    # Use of JavaScript to halt page loading
  rescue => error
    puts "Failed to load: #{url} - Error: #{error.message}"


  • --disable-images: A browser configuration to skip loading images, helping in swift page navigation. This reduces the data being pulled significantly for each page.
  • Utilizing Ruby's native Timeout ensures we have programmatic control over how long the page is allowed to load before moving on.
  • Using @browser.driver.execute_script('window.stop();') leverages WebDriver's direct JavaScript execution line, in case the load time exceeds our designated threshold.

These adjustments allow you to more efficiently handle web pages that are prone to slow loading, particularly using browser configuration to control resource intake upfront. This approach helps strike a balance between speed and functionality during automated browsing sessions.