How to Set Up Auth Tokens for a Private npm Registry with Supabase Edge Functions Branching?

Deploying Supabase Edge Functions with branching causes 403 errors on our private npm package because the appropriate location for the auth token (not stored in .npmrc) is unclear.

hey, i had a similar prob. ended up transferring my auth token to an env var in supabase settings and reffering directly in the deploy config. branchnig setups sometimes mess the read path. hope that helps!

I experienced a similar challenge when trying to deploy a private npm package on a Supabase Edge Functions branch. Eventually, I resolved it by directly embedding my auth token within the deployment script’s environment configuration. My approach involved ensuring that the token was consistently available even when branch specifics altered the file paths. I also experimented with secret management through environmental variables to ensure they were loaded properly during deployment. These adjustments minimized the chance of token misconfiguration and maintained a secure connection to the private registry throughout different branch deployments.

I encountered a similar issue some time ago. In my case, the solution was to stop relying on static paths for the auth token. I moved the token into an environment variable that was then referenced by my deployment script. The challenge was ensuring that the environment variable remained consistent across all branches of deployment. I resolved this by centralizing the token settings within a secure configuration that automatically synchronized with the branch-specific settings. This approach not only mitigated the 403 errors but also provided a more stable and secure way to manage my private npm registry credentials.