Issues with Node.js and NPM When Attempting to Write Files

I’m encountering a persistent error that has stalled my progress since last week. Despite trying various resources including AI, Google, GitHub, and reaching out to knowledgeable individuals, I haven’t found a solution. As a beginner in React and Node.js, I’m currently following a web development course by Dr. Angela Yu. Initially, everything was functioning well after I installed Node.js with default settings, opting for the NPM package manager during custom installation. However, now it appears that NPM is unable to write files or generate a package.json file. I’m using Node version 22.11.0 on Windows 11 Home.

Here’s the error message I received when trying to create a React application:

// Attempted Command
npx create-react-app
// Error Message
return binding.writeFileUtf8(
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'file path...\package.json'
at Object.writeFileSync (node:fs:2344:20)
at createApp (C:\Users\divyo\AppData\Local\npm-cache_npx\c67e74de0542c87c\node_modules\create-react-app\createReactApp.js:271:6)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5) {errno: -4058,code: 'ENOENT',syscall: 'open',path: 'C:\Users...\package.json'}

Additionally, even running a simple command like npm init leads to similar issues. The error report indicates that NPM cannot locate the package.json file, which contradicts my expectation that it should be created automatically. I also attempted to modify NPM permissions for write access but was unsuccessful. Repairing the installation via the Node.js setup has not resolved the situation either. How can I progress if NPM cannot generate the needed package.json file?

Hi CreativeArtist88,

It sounds like you're dealing with a file path issue on Windows that’s interfering with NPM’s ability to write files. Here are some actionable steps to resolve this:

  1. Check Directory Permissions:
    Make sure you have write permissions for the directory where you’re trying to run the command. You can right-click the folder, select "Properties," go to the "Security" tab, and ensure your user has "Write" permission.
  2. Ensure Path Exists:
    The error message suggests there’s an issue with the path. Verify that the directory exists and you are in the correct path using the command:
    cd path\to\your\project\directory
  3. Check Node Installation:
    Ensure Node.js and NPM are correctly installed. Sometimes, reinstalling can fix PATH variable issues:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  4. Run as Administrator:
    Open your command prompt as an administrator before running npx create-react-app or npm init.
  5. Node.js Version:
    Since you’re on version 22.11.0, ensure it’s stable. If there are issues with this release, try downgrading to an LTS version:
    nvm install 16.13.0 (if using Node Version Manager)

Following these steps should help resolve the permission and directory path issues, allowing NPM to create the necessary files. Let me know if you need further assistance!