Managing Popup Windows in Puppeteer

How can I effectively manage a popup window in Puppeteer and perform various operations on it?

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async function execute() {
    const browserInstance = await puppeteer.launch();
    const newPage = await browserInstance.newPage();
    await newPage.goto('');

Grace_31Dance, while Alice45's response provides an efficient way to manage popup windows using the targetcreated event, you can also enhance popup management with page lifecycle events, ensuring more robust and error-free operations, especially useful in complex applications with multiple popups.

Here’s a refined approach using popupPage.waitFor for a specific element within the popup and additional operations:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async function execute() {
    const browserInstance = await puppeteer.launch();
    const newPage = await browserInstance.newPage();
    await newPage.goto('');

    const [popupPage] = await Promise.all([
        browserInstance.waitForTarget(target => target.opener() && target.type() === 'page').then(target =>,'OpenPopup')

    // Wait for a specific element in the popup to load
    await popupPage.waitForSelector('#specific-element');

    // Example operation: Extract content from the popup
    const popupContent = await popupPage.$eval('#specific-element', el => el.textContent);
    console.log('Extracted Content:', popupContent);

    // Optionally, navigate within the popup
    await popupPage.goto('');

    await browserInstance.close();

This method waits for a specific element to load in the popup, ensuring that any subsequent operations are performed once the page is ready. This enhances reliability and allows for more intricate interactions with the popup content.