New Feature - Error Handling

Automation should not only be powerful but also resilient to unexpected situations.
With our latest update, you now have access to the Error Ignoring and Error routing feature, which allows your scenarios to keep running even when a non-critical error occurs. Why is this important?

  • Your scenario won’t stop over minor issues.
    In many workflows, processing certain branches isn’t mandatory. Now, random failures in those branches won’t disrupt the entire scenario, ensuring that essential tasks are still completed.
  • More control over execution.
    You decide which errors can be ignored and which require alternative actions. For instance, if a node encounters an error, you can skip the step or redirect the process to a fallback branch of the scenario.

Will this feature improve your scenarios? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear how you’re planning to use it.

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That is a very nice inclusion. I would actually like to see a bit more to this than just an ignore error, something like error-based routing. Either something specific like an ‘error route’ or more general like the ability to create a routing filter based on the error condition itself (which I don’t believe is available at present beyond error headings coming from HTTP requests).

You can implement routing soon. The developers just presented this logic in a meeting (I’m not sure if it’s already live in production, but if not, it should be available within the next couple of days).

A node that ignores an error will always return a single value: NULL. All routing will be based on this, with two branches: node!=null and node=null.

This approach allows for proper handling of such cases. For instance, you can process an alternative branch, make a different request, or redirect the result to the current workflow

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Here you can find details how to do error routing:

This is a foundational mechanic that will undoubtedly be refined over time.

A fallback route mechanism is already in development, providing a more advanced and user-friendly method for routing within scenarios when errors occur. :ok_hand: