Npm error during global CoffeeScript installation

npm install of CoffeeScript fails due to permission errors without sudo. Fix rights for /opt/node_modules/alt_cb.

npm -g add alt_cb
Error: EPERM, cannot write to /opt/node_modules/alt_cb

I encountered similar issues when installing CoffeeScript globally. I decided to configure npm to use a different directory for global installations. By setting a custom prefix in my npm configuration, I was able to avoid permission errors without resorting to sudo or modifying system directories. This solution allowed me to install global packages smoothly while maintaining system integrity. It also simplified troubleshooting in the future since I could manage all my node modules in a user-controlled directory, circumventing the common pitfalls associated with system-level installations.

I ran into a similar issue a while back when trying to install global packages. Rather than relying on sudo every time, I ended up adjusting the permissions of the directory where npm installs its global modules. This approach not only solved the immediate issue but also prevented possible conflicts with file access later on. An alternative I considered was using a node version manager to maintain a separate environment with correct permissions. In my experience, managing your node installations with a tool like that simplifies many permission-related headaches.