npm-Installed Node.js Modules Not Being Detected

Despite reinstalling Node.js (v0.6.11) and npm multiple times, modules installed via npm still trigger errors. For instance, executing:

runModule -v

results in an error message stating ‘runModule’ is not recognized. Any insight on resolving this issue?

hey, check your PATH var - often the global npm mod folder isnt auto added. i had this problem, solved it by manually linking the directory. hope it helps

I experienced similar issues where npm appeared to install modules correctly but they were not accessible due to a mismatch between the installation directory and my system PATH. In my case, verifying the npm configuration with npm config get prefix helped identify the correct directory where modules were installed. Ensuring this directory was included in my PATH resolved the problem. I also found that installing modules globally with the -g flag made a noticeable difference. Investigating these settings allowed me to resolve the errors and have the modules detected properly.

Recently, I ran into a similar issue when trying to run a globally installed module. Even though npm confirmed successful installation, my command line couldn’t find the executable. In my case, I discovered that my npm setup was using a different global installation directory than what was configured in my environment. I modified my shell configuration file to incorporate the proper directory path, which resolved the error. Revisiting the npm setup and verifying the prefix helped me understand that sometimes multiple configurations interfere, so checking them thoroughly can help resolve these issues.