npm on Cygwin triggers random permission issues during module install. Example:
$ npkg install modAlpha
Error: EPERM accessing '/tmp/npkg/modAlpha'
npm on Cygwin triggers random permission issues during module install. Example:
$ npkg install modAlpha
Error: EPERM accessing '/tmp/npkg/modAlpha'
The error related to temporary folder permissions under Cygwin with npm installation is something I’ve encountered as well. I eventually discovered that the problem is linked to how Cygwin handles file system permissions differently from a native Windows terminal. Running the terminal as an administrator sometimes helps, but a more reliable fix for me was to adjust the TMP environment variable to a directory with more permissive attributes. This approach bypassed the issues with /tmp. Verifying that the installation directory doesn’t have restrictive permissions before installing modules is also advisable.
hey, i experiemced similar issues on cygwin. after trying updating npm version and cleaning the node cache i noticed install worked much more reliably. not a guaranteed fix but might be worth tryin, maybe a caching or versioning snafu is at play.
i had similar issues on cygwin last week. try clearing the tmp folder manually and re-run as admin if possible. sometimes its a residual perms glitch i think. hope it helps
I have also faced these random permission issues while installing npm modules in Cygwin. For me, the issue was compounded by background processes that interfered with file access rights in the temporary directory. I resolved this by configuring a dedicated temporary directory with adjusted permissions, which meant changing environment variables accordingly. Additionally, I made sure that no other conflicting software was running in the background during installations. Tweaking these settings not only reduced errors but also provided a more predictable installation process in my Cygwin environment.