Puppeteer Chrome Extension Loading Issue: Unable to Locate service_worker with :browser.targets

I am experiencing difficulties when launching Puppeteer locally. The extension loads fine, and the service_worker is detected as long as headless is set to any value. Here’s the configuration code for the browser:

const extensionDirectory = path.join(__dirname, 'my_extension');
const browserInstance = await puppeteer.launch({
    headless: 'new',
    devtools: true,
    env: {
        LD_LIBRARY_PATH: '/shared-lib/linux',
    args: [

This is my test code to verify the loading of the service_worker:

await browserInstance.waitForTarget(
    target => {
        return target.type() === 'service_worker' && target.url().endsWith('background.js');
    { timeout: 15000 }
const allTargets = await browserInstance.targets();
extensionServiceWorker = allTargets.find(target => target.type() === 'service_worker');

However, on Ubuntu/Linux, I can’t locate the service_worker, leading to a timeout error. The browser itself operates smoothly, but it’s unclear if the extension is functioning properly since I can’t confirm its loading status. It’s worth noting that I’m not encountering any additional errors, just the service_worker timeout, which persists regardless of timeout extension attempts.

Initially, I suspected that the extension might not be correctly placed in my directory, but I verified this with the following function:

function checkExtensionValidity(extensionPath, absolutePath) {
    const manifestFilePath = path.join(extensionPath, 'manifest.json');
    if (fs.existsSync(manifestFilePath)) {
        console.log(`Manifest file located at: ${manifestFilePath}`);
    } else {
        console.log(`Manifest file missing from: ${extensionPath}`);
        throw new Error(`Invalid extension path: ${extensionPath}`);
    if (fs.existsSync(path.join(extensionPath, 'node_modules'))) {
        console.log(`node_modules present in: ${extensionPath}`);
    } else {
        console.log(`node_modules absent in: ${extensionPath}`);

For reference, I’m using the following version of Puppeteer:

"puppeteer": "^23.9.0",

Hi ExcitedGamer85,

When dealing with Puppeteer and service workers, especially in Ubuntu/Linux environments, ensure that your extension directory is properly formatted and that all necessary files are included. Here's a suggestion to help troubleshoot your issue:

Steps to Diagnose & Resolve:

  1. Verify your `manifest.json`: Ensure that it specifies the service worker correctly and includes all required permissions and resources. Double-check the background script entries and make sure there are no typos.

  2. Check Linux-specific Permissions: Ensure that the `chromium` binary used by Puppeteer has the necessary permissions. Sometimes permissions on Linux can cause unexpected behavior.

  3. Outside Puppeteer, test chromium: Run the chromium browser with your extension manually to confirm that the service worker is indeed loading. This will help rule out issues with the Puppeteer setup.

  4. Debug Output: Enable console logging for more detailed output about what the service worker is doing during the startup process by using debug configurations in Puppeteer.

  5. Additional Flags: Experiment with additional Chrome flags like `--enable-logging=stderr --v=1` for getting more verbose output on what's happening behind the scenes.

Here's an example of additional debugging info in Puppeteer:

const browserInstance = await puppeteer.launch({
  headless: 'new',
  devtools: true,
  args: [

Try these steps, and let me know if you face any further issues. This approach should help diagnose the service worker's loading problem.


David Grant

Hi ExcitedGamer85,

Building on what FlyingStar mentioned, the issue you're facing might indeed relate to specific conditions in your Ubuntu/Linux environment and how Puppeteer interacts with service workers. Addressing these nuances can be quite intricate, so here are additional strategies to consider:

Advanced Strategies to Consider:

  1. Verify Extension Resources: Ensure all resources needed by your service worker are accessible and correctly referenced from the manifest.json file. Missing or incorrect resource paths could prevent proper loading.

  2. Dependency Checks: Since your script checks for node_modules, make sure no dependencies are missing post install. Use npm ls to confirm all modules are properly installed, and resolve any discrepancies.

  3. Ensure Consistency: Compare how your extension works within a standard Chromium browser session versus Puppeteer. Sometimes extensions might exhibit different behaviors if they rely on user interface elements not accessible or visible in headless or controlled scenarios.

  4. Error Logging in Service Worker: Incorporate logging within your service worker scripts. This can be immensely useful in identifying issues during the load process. Simply log messages to the console in key parts of your service worker code to understand its lifecycle.

  5. Linux-specific Path Handling: Linux file systems are case-sensitive. Double-check case sensitivity and ensure paths specified in scripts and configurations match exactly.

Additionally, if you're troubleshooting further, there's merit in experimenting with the headless mode, toggling between versions, as it might inadvertently affect service worker visibility or behavior.

By taking these steps, you can narrow down the specific issue preventing the service worker from being located. Feel free to share more details if needed, and I'll be happy to assist further.

Best Regards,

Ethan Voss

Hey ExcitedGamer85,

Here's a quick tip to tackle your service_worker issue:

Quick Check:

Ensure your service worker script in manifest.json is accurately specified under the "background" key. Sometimes, minor discrepancies in file paths or syntax could cause issues.

Extra Debugging Steps:

  • Add extra flags for verbose logging to capture more details during Puppeteer launch:

    const browserInstance = await puppeteer.launch({
      headless: false, // Set to true if necessary
      devtools: true,
      args: [
        '--v=1', // Increased verbosity
  • Run Chromium manually with your extension to confirm service_worker loading outside Puppeteer.

Give these a shot and let me know if it helps!

Hello ExcitedGamer85,

It sounds like you're having a challenging time with your service_worker in Puppeteer, especially on Ubuntu/Linux. Let’s troubleshoot this efficiently:

Optimization Strategies:

  1. Manifest Verification: Double-check that your manifest.json correctly references your background.js. Ensure that all paths are correct and all resources specified are accessible. Typos here can obstruct your service_worker's loading.

  2. Permissions Check: Linux permission settings might cause unexpected behavior. Verify that your chromium binary executed by Puppeteer has appropriate execution permissions. Adjust permissions using chmod if necessary.

  3. Manual Testing: Run your extension manually in a standalone Chromium session to confirm the service_worker loads correctly outside of Puppeteer. This helps differentiate between setup issues and Puppeteer-specific problems.

  4. Detailed Logging: Enhance logging in Puppeteer to capture more details:

    const browserInstance = await puppeteer.launch({
      headless: false, // Toggle as needed
      devtools: true,
      args: [
        '--v=1', // Increased logging verbosity
  5. Service Worker Logging: Add console logging directly in your service_worker script. This can provide insights into lifecycle events and help pinpoint where things might be going wrong.

By following these steps, you’ll likely uncover the source of the issue. Should you need more help, feel free to provide additional details on outcomes. I’m here to assist further!


David Grant