I have explored various options for browser controls or headless browsers that can support multithreading and allow proxy configuration for each thread while handling Ajax and JavaScript functionalities. Here’s what I have tested so far:
- I found awesomium to be decent, but I need to create a separate application for each thread, which is not ideal.
- The simplebrowser performs adequately, yet it has limitations regarding JavaScript and Ajax manipulation.
- nhtmlunit proved too complex to deploy effectively in C# and didn’t function optimally.
- watin doesn’t allow for an independent session instantiation or proxy settings per instance.
I remember testing several others, but these were my primary candidates. Although awesomium would be excellent with multithreading capability, I understand that it might be added in future updates.
My main objective is to automate testing on a local intranet site.
UPDATE: Unlike watin, it seems that selenium webdriver requires a remote server to operate outside of the application itself, and I’m still searching for alternatives.
UPDATE2: I managed to achieve multithreading using chromiumdriver with Selenium in C#, but it consumes an excessive amount of memory due to spawning multiple drivers and browsers.
Here’s a snippet that demonstrates firing multiple threads:
_tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (ProxyEntry entry in _proxyList)
string proxyAddress = entry.Proxy;
string domain = entry.Domain;
_tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
FetchIpWithChrome(proxyAddress, domain);
The method to fetch the IP looks like this:
private void FetchIpWithChrome(string proxyAddress, string domain)
string directoryPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + domain;
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.AddArguments(new string[] { "-proxy-server=" + proxyAddress, "-incognito", "--new-window", "-user-data-dir=" + directoryPath });
IWebDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver(options);
if (webDriver.PageSource.Contains("Current IP Address"))
MessageBox.Show(webDriver.FindElement(By.TagName("body")).Text, domain);
MessageBox.Show("Failed to retrieve IP", domain);
Are there any techniques or alternatives to optimize memory usage for multithreading in this context?