I have a collection of address strings stored in my database and need to add markers to a Yahoo Map. The method to add a marker requires a YGeoPoint-like object defined by latitude and longitude values. Although the API offers a function to center the map using an address directly, I currently call that method and then extract the coordinates, which isn’t ideal. Is there a more direct method to convert an address into a coordinate without rendering the map?
Example code:
function addressToCoord(address) {
// This is a placeholder for actual geocoding logic
let latitude = 40.7128;
let longitude = -74.0060;
return { lat: latitude, lng: longitude };
const addressArray = ["123 Main St", "456 Oak Ave"];
addressArray.forEach(addr => {
let point = addressToCoord(addr);
After some experiments with the Yahoo Maps API, I developed a method to directly convert an address into a YGeoPoint without rendering the map. I initially added the address to a YGeoCoder instance which, using an asynchronous call, returned the latitude and longitude in a callback function. This allows me to capture the result and directly use it for map pin placement or further calculations. Although managing asynchronous behavior required some care for error handling, the overall process proved to be robust and well-suited for applications with non-interactive mapping needs.
A viable solution involves leveraging the API’s geocoding service independently of the map display. In my experience, wrapping the geocoding request in a promise-based function allowed for a smoother conversion of address strings into coordinate pairs. This approach decouples the geocoding process from the map rendering while still obtaining the necessary latitude and longitude data to create YGeoPoint-like objects. Additionally, handling potential errors within the promise framework improved overall reliability and maintainability, which is particularly useful when processing multiple addresses.
I found that a practical solution was to use direct HTTP requests with YQL queries to access the Yahoo Geocoding API. By constructing a query URL featuring your address, you can send an Ajax call to fetch the JSON result directly. Parsing the JSON response yields the latitude and longitude without the need to render any map. I also took care to include error handling and a caching mechanism to mitigate any delays or rate restrictions, which improved the overall stability of the system when processing large numbers of addresses.
hey, i used ajax calls to yahoo’s geo serivce. it returns a simple json with lat and lon, so i plug them in directly sans map rendering. works awesom if your net is ok!
My experience with the Yahoo Maps API involved directly querying the geocoding service on the server side. This approach bypasses the need to render the map entirely. I constructed HTTP requests with the address embedded in the URL and processed the JSON response for latitude and longitude. The benefit is a streamlined method that eliminates reliance on asynchronous map callbacks, which can be error prone in high-volume scenarios. Managing error responses and connectivity issues is also more straightforward when the process is handled server-side.