Why isn't the npm-generated CLI wrapper invoking Node correctly?

Installing my npm CLI tool fails because its auto-generated wrapper doesn’t call Node. Expected behavior is Node executing the declared entry file. Example:

  "name": "cli-sample",
  "version": "1.0",
  "bin": { "sampleCmd": "src/start.js" }
console.log('CLI is active');

hey, check if you added a proper shebang (#!/usr/bin/env node) on top of your file. without that, node might not be invoked correctly. also possbly check file permissions.

I encountered a similar issue on a project where the Node process wasn’t properly auto-invoked. After checking the shebang and file permissions as recommended, I discovered that the problem stemmed from minor inconsistencies in the file path setup inside the package definition. Correcting the path, ensuring an absolute reference, and confirming that no caching issues were interfering with the npm installation ultimately resolved the problem. My experience highlights that careful examination of path configurations can save significant troubleshooting time.

I’ve experienced a similar situation where the CLI tool did not launch under Node as anticipated. In my case, after verifying the shebang and permissions, I realized that the problem was due to the Node version installed on the system conflicting with the expected behavior of the npm wrapper. Upgrading to a newer version of Node resolved the issue. It is also important to double-check how the package manager installed dependencies and scripts. Ensuring that the environment variables are configured properly can sometimes be the missing link in getting the CLI to execute correctly.

hey, i fixed a similar issue by cleanng npm cache and reinstalling the package. also, check if your enviroment varriables point to the right node. sometimes a system restart helps too.