With the deprecation of AsyncTask in Android 11, what options do developers have?

As AsyncTask is no longer supported in Android 11, Google recommends developers utilize java.util.concurrent instead. Here’s an example of the previous usage of AsyncTask:

 * @deprecated Replace with standard <code>java.util.concurrent</code> or
 *   <code>Kotlin concurrency utilities</code>.
public abstract class AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> {

If you are responsible for an older Android codebase that employs asynchronous processes, what would be a suitable replacement for the following AsyncTask example using java.util.concurrent? This static inner class is part of an Activity and needs to be compatible with minSdkVersion 16.

private static class BackgroundProcess extends AsyncTask<String, Void, MyData> {
    private static final String TAG = MyActivity.BackgroundProcess.class.getSimpleName();
    private WeakReference<MyActivity> activityWeakRef;

    BackgroundProcess(MyActivity activity) {
        activityWeakRef = new WeakReference<>(activity);

    protected MyData doInBackground(String... inputs) {
        // Perform lengthy operation here

    protected void onPostExecute(MyData result) {
        MyActivity activity = activityWeakRef.get();
        updateUI(activity, result);

hey there, besides using java.util.concurrent, you can look into WorkManager for long-running tasks. It’s part of Android Jetpack and supports backward compatibility down to sdk 14! it’s quite reliable for managing background tasks and automatic retries. Just remember to handle constraints and lifecycle awareness properly. hope this helps!

From my experience, another solid option is to leverage Kotlin Coroutines, especially if you’re working in a Kotlin-based project. While they require a bit of a learning curve if you’re not familiar, they provide an intuitive and more manageable approach to handling asynchronous tasks. With Coroutines, you can neatly manage concurrency using “launch” and “async”, making your code cleaner and easier to maintain. Plus, they integrate well with LifecycleScope, which helps in managing the lifecycle-awareness of tasks, thus avoiding memory leaks.

if ur app target is minSdk 16, consider using handlers n threads. it’s old school, but still effective for straightforward tasks. threads handle the background work, and Handlers can post updates to the UI. great for small, standalone async tasks without additional libs. gotta mind the memory leaks tho!